
Arie Schippers

Arie Schippers is a multi-faceted artist. He was bron in Rotterdam in 1952. He got his education at the Rotterdamse Acadamie (1972) and the Rijksacademie for visual arts in Amsterdam (1972-1977). In 1977, he won the Prix de Rome for painting. In 2016 he received the Sacha Tanja Penning award.


Arie Schippers paints, draws, and sculpts. When he moved to a new studio, Sculpture Gallery Het Depot got the opportunity to obtain two wondrous sculptures.


It is almost impossible to put Arie Schippers as an artist in a certain category, that is how versatile he is – but many art critics remark that he is firstly a painter. Arie himself calls his work figurative, but not realistic. 


One of his most well-known works is his depiction of Nalson Mandela, Walk to Freedom (2012), currently installed in public space in The Hague. The two sculptures by Arie Schippers that are in the collection of Het Depot are made of polyurethane foam: The world is full of rings (2006) and Zeeuws meisje (2007).


Zeeuws meisje

Zeeuws meisje

2007, polyurethaanschuim gecoat 175cm

The world is full of rings

The world is full of rings

2006, polyurethaanschuim gecoat 95cm